Mikkeller y sus razones para no morir sin probarla

La primera vez que probé una Mikkeller fue una experiencia única e irrepetible. Bueno, repetible sí, solo y cuando vuelva a conseguir una botella de la misma partida. Pero puedo decir que es algo que una persona debe hacer, por lo menos, una vez en la vida. Mi consejo: no debes morir sin haber saboreado, compartido, guardado y disfrutado uno de estos tesoros cerveceros.

Y aquí va el por qué de este consejo:

1. Mikkeller es una de las cervecerías con más premios en sus primeros años. Algo bueno habrán hecho para ser galardonado como la Cervecería Danesa del Año en 2006, año de inicio de su producción. Un par de temporadas después, nuevamente se llevó la presea, y lo hizo el 2009 también.

Y, como si esto fuera poco, Mikkeller también es considerada entre las cinco mejores cervecerías a nivel mundial.

No soy muy fanática de los números, ni de las estadísticas, pero algo de razón tienen que tener. Sobre todo cuando pruebas una y el sabor es imborrable en el sentido del gusto, del olfato y hasta en la memoria. Insisto, ¡algo bueno deben hacer estos gallos! Bueno, prosigo con mis razones:

2. Mikkeller es una cervecería de vanguardia que no se cansa de innovar y está todo el tiempo sacando nuevas maneras de demostrarnos que no sabemos nada de cerveza, o lo poco que sabíamos no se compara con lo que ellos nos pueden enseñar con la complejidad de lo que nos entregan en cada estilo.

3. Mikkeller es una cerveza que es para compartir. Su intensidad, tanto en sabor, como en ABV, hace que no sea muy fácil tomarse un six pack de manera solitaria, aunque lo quieras. Es como inyectarse a la vena una botella de whisky. ¡Creo que con un par de ellas la noche está hecha para un par de amigos y tú! Son brebajes de alto porcentaje alcohólico, pero que se ven muy bien disimulados por un balance redondo y sabores que dejan perplejo el paladar.

4. Por último, siempre dejamos lo mejor para el final, son añejadas en barricas de diferentes licores. Sí, leíste bien: A-ÑE-JA-DAS. Estos gallos no solo se dan la molestia de crear cervezas locas, brebajes hechos por duendecillos en bosques daneses, si no que las dejan añejando en barricas de whisky, bourbon, vino, tequila, grand marnier, etc. Hacen que estos sabores de licores tan lejanos a la cerveza hagan una fiesta en el mismo barril, tan sólo para que el catador final pueda entender que el mundo de la cerveza se está acercando cada vez más a ser una alternativa seria al vino o champagne al degustar comida gourmet.

Mikkeller llegó a Chile de la mano de Boutique de Cervezas y es momento de aprovechar que una marca de lujo haya llegado a nuestro país, que aún está en los anales del rubro, pero que tiene altura de miras.

Our inspiration for the naming came fron the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage, inspiration for the naming came from the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage Our inspiration for the naming came fron the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage, inspiration for the naming came from the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage Our inspiration for the naming came fron the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage, inspiration for the naming came from the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage
Our inspiration for the naming came fron the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage, inspiration for the naming came from the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage Our inspiration for the naming came fron the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage, inspiration for the naming came from the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage Our inspiration for the naming came fron the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage, inspiration for the naming came from the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage
Our inspiration for the naming came fron the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage, inspiration for the naming came from the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage Our inspiration for the naming came fron the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage, inspiration for the naming came from the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage Our inspiration for the naming came fron the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage, inspiration for the naming came from the layered design of the building created by ESA Architects. A strong identity for the scheme was developed using colorsand a three tiered concept which reflects the three floors of the building. This central concept is used throughout the marketing materials to communicate the three key sales messages for the scheme. Unique. Design. Advantage